⭐️ A core component of your job search is to network with people in the industry.
⭐️ One of the best ways to do this is to be at ease chatting with people.
⭐️ These courses can help you learn how to improve your communication skills.
While it’s tempting to consider customer service a relic of the past, the role is still alive and well. Whether it’s responding to customer support tickets or assisting clients with onboarding, you’ll likely need to interact with customers in some capacity, even if you work in a different department.
Customer service isn’t just a necessary evil — it’s a way to connect with people, learn more about your product, or even build new skills. You can use this to your advantage by diving into a course that helps you master the art of interacting with people.
If you want to improve your written communication skills or learn how to manage virtual teams, there are courses out there for that. But if you just want to get better at working with people, you should take a class on customer service basics. No matter your background, customer service will help you develop empathy, build stronger relationships, and help you make new friends — and all by the end of the day.
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Learn Customer Service with these Courses and Tutorials:
1. Customer Service: Soft Skills Fundamentals
Instructor: Samara Wenten
Platform: Udemy
Customer Service is the art of making sure your customers are happy. You have to listen to them, ask them what’s wrong, and figure out if you can help. It’s a tough job! But it doesn’t have to be.
2. Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer
Instructor: Chris Croft
Platform: Udemy
What’s the secret to being the best customer service agent? It’s all about understanding your customers’ psychology and delivering superior service. In this course, you’ll learn 6 customer service principles that will help you deliver exceptional, personalized service every time.
3. Brilliant Customer Service: How to Impress your Customers!
Instructor: Lecturio GmbH
Platform: Udemy
Whether you’re looking for a new job or want to improve your customer service skills, this course will help you develop the skills and confidence to excel. This course covers everything from how to build rapport with customers, how to deal with difficult situations and how to build a great customer experience.
4. Empathize with customers – Customer Service Foundations Video Tutorial
Instructor: Jeff Toister
Platform: Linkedin
Empathize with customers – Customer Service Foundations Video Tutorial
5. [2021] Customer Service 2.0: Learn Digital Customer Service
Instructor: Davis Jones, Eazl (Official) and Ludell Jones
Platform: Udemy
Learn Digital Customer Service, a course that will teach you what it takes to be a great customer service rep. This course is packed with in-depth tutorials and quizzes that will put you on the road to success.
6. Customer | How to Build a Customer Service Strategy
Instructor: Learoy Tonight
Platform: Udemy
You need a customer service strategy for your business and you have no clue where to begin? You’re not alone! The first step is to understand who your customers are, how they behave, what their needs are and why they do or do not buy from you. This course will put you on the right track to creating a customer service strategy that actually works for your business.
7. Customer Service English Essentials
Instructor: Luke Priddy
Platform: Udemy
Customer Service English Essentials is a customer service course for people who want to improve their English language skills in order to work in customer service, sales, or other similar fields. The course is designed to teach the essentials of the field so that learners can speak and understand English like native speakers. With this course, you will learn about how customer service works, what the most common problems are with customer service calls, and how to avoid them. You will also learn how to deal with difficult customers and make effective presentations using role-playing exercises.
8. Start Improving Customer Service
Instructor: Symon Stephens
Platform: Udemy
Get started improving your customer service skills today. This course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of effective customer service. It will give you the knowledge to become a better employee and manager, but most importantly it will help you improve your relationships with customers.
9. Customer Service Success: Take Your Skills to the Next Level
Instructor: Viktoriya Maya
Platform: Udemy
Customer service is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It’s important for all companies to have good customer service, but it’s especially important for small businesses. Customers are your best source of feedback and new ideas, so how do you get them to feel like they’re appreciated? How do you get them to call on you when they need help? This course will teach you how to respond to customers’ needs without making them feel like they’re being a bother.
Those were some selected courses that can help you learn how to provide good customer service. Hopefully, now you know what to do and will be able to provide better customer service and grow your business. Let me know which course you’ve picked.
Term Definition: Customer Service
Customer service is an important element of marketing because it directly affects how a company’s customers feel about the product or service that they are purchasing. If a customer service team provides exceptional service, the customer will feel more inclined to purchase the product or service from the company again in the future.
Tl;dr – Ideas to Remember: Customer Service
Customer service is the delivery of service to customers before, during, and after a purchase.
Customer service also involves identifying customer needs and solving those needs to create a satisfied customer.
Customer service can be delivered through a variety of methods, including through the internet, in person, on the phone, and through letters.