Web hosting is an online service some companies offer so that you can publish your website on the internet. It enables you and others to view the website. A website consists of different files and these files need to be stored somewhere. The files are stored or hosted on servers. Servers are very powerful computers that run all the time so that your website can always be accessed. Web hosters offer these servers and provide space for your website files.
Web hosting is an online service some companies offer so that you can publish and view your website on the internet.
If a visitor is now typing in your domain name, their computer connects to the server and the server brings the files back to their browser so that they can see your website. You’d need web hosting if you, for example, want to create a site with WordPress. You can get web hosting from different companies like HostGator, WPEngine or Bluehost. Hosted platforms like Shopify, take care of the hosting for you so you don’t need to find your own server.